傑志(體育管理)有限公司宣布很多香港球迷熱切期待的足球盛事「傑志 對 熱刺」將於今周三開始推出門票發售。 「傑志 對 熱刺」將是今年最受香港球迷歡迎的其中一場的外隊賽事。球星哈利簡尼、艾歷臣、孫興文、迪利阿里、洛里斯以及一眾熱刺球員將於2017年5月26日晚上8時與傑志在香港大球場上演一場扣人心弦的賽事。 是次門票將於由5月10日(即今週三)早上10時起開始預售,球迷可透過www.stubhub.hk 訂購。大會亦已特別於每種票價中預留部分最好座位通過StubHub網站發售予公眾。 球迷亦可於5月15日(即下週一)早上10時起透過購票通網站www.cityline.com或電話(2111-5333)訂購門票;此外,他們亦可選擇前往其銷售點親身購票。 票價分為:港幣$680、港幣$480、港幣$330,而學生及長者的優惠門票定價為港幣$180。為了讓家長與子女能夠一起觀賞球賽,位於主層的港幣$330門票以及優惠門票將不設劃位。根據購票通的規條,球迷每次交易最多可訂購6張門票。 熱刺領隊普捷天奴表示:「我們非常榮幸收到這個參與慶祝香港特別行政區成立20週年慶典的邀請,亦非常期待能夠重返香港。球會留意到我們在亞洲的歡迎度逐漸增加,而這次訪港亦讓我們能夠與球迷有更多的互動,以答謝他們對球會的支持。是次訪港之旅必定會為各職球員帶來獨特體驗,並為今季完滿謝幕。」 傑志(體育管理)有限公司總裁伍健先生表示:「是次賽事之受益將悉數撥捐予賽馬會傑志中心。我希望藉著這個機會向大家呼籲,支持這場香港足球盛事,與我們一起支持香港足球更好的未來。我亦想藉著今日感謝各個贊助商的鼎力支持,同時亦特別感謝今場比賽的優先門票訂購夥伴兼球衣贊助 StubHub,讓籌備工作更為順利。」
賽馬會傑志中心挑戰盃 Jockey Club Kitchee Centre Challenge Cup
傑志 Kitchee VS 熱刺 Totthenham Hotspurs
日期Date :26/05/2017
地點Venue:香港大球場 Hong Kong Stadium
票價分為:港幣$680、港幣$480、港幣$330,而學生及長者的優惠門票定價為港幣$180 優先訂票:www.stubhub.hk 5月10日早上10時起開始預售 其餘門票亦可於5月15日早上10時起於www.cityline.com或其銷售點親身購票。 The occasion promises to be one of the most popular football events Hong Kong has seen this year. Players including Harry Kane, Christian Eriksen, Son Heung-Min, Dele Alli, Hugo Lloris, and their teammates are scheduled to take on Kitchee at the Hong Kong Stadium on 26 May 2017 at 8pm. Starting from Wednesday, 10 May, tickets will first be available at www.stubhub.hk from 10am onwards for public pre-sale. Some of the best seats in each price category have been reserved for public sales, and obviously, it is first-come-first-serve. A full on-sale will begin on Monday, 15 May at 10am, at which time fans may purchase tickets via www.cityline.com or by calling their hotline at 2111-5333. Tickets will be available at Cityline’s outlet at the same time. A maximum of six tickets can be bought through each transaction, with prices ranging from HK$680, HK$480, HK$330. A limited number of concessionary tickets for Students and Senior Citizens are priced at HK180. All seats are marked except the HK$330 tickets at the Main Level and the concessionary tickets are unmarked to allow parents and children to sit together. Mauricio Pochettino, Manager, Tottenham Hotspur said, “We are delighted to accept the invitation to return to Hong Kong to play celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. We are aware of our growing popularity across Asia. This latest visit represents a great chance for us to engage with our loyal fans in the region and thank them for their fantastic support and the commitment they make to watching us at any hour of the day or night. It promises to be a fantastic experience for all the staff and players, some whom will be visiting Hong Kong for the first time, and a great way to conclude what has been an exciting season for the Club." “I like to note that the match profit will be donated in its entirety to the Kitchee Foundation for supporting the Jockey Club Kitchee Centre. We urge all of the fans to support this event for its value as a mega football event, and at the same time, as a way to take part in the future development of Hong Kong football. I would like to take the opportunity to thank our sponsors for their generous support, meanwhile, special thanks to StubHub, Official Presale Partner and our Jersey Sponsor of the match. ” Said Mr. Ken Ng, President of Kitchee (Sports Management) Limited.
Jockey Club Kitchee Centre Challenge Cup Kitchee VS Totthenham Hotspurs
Date :26/05/2017
Venue:Hong Kong Stadium
Ticket Category:HKD$680, $480, $330, $180(Students and Senior Citizens) Official Pre-sales:www.stubhub.hk (From 10 May - 15 May) Public Sales starting at 10am on 15 May:www.cityline.com/ +852-2111-5333 / Cityline's outlet