傑志來季重整架構 聘請施利斯高域領軍



伍健先生亦指出朱志光先生已經完成了他作為總教練的第三年,並且在這三年間帶領球隊獲得港超的十二項錦標中的八項,成績斐然。球會正為朱志光教練安排「進修期」,朱教練將重返其三年前的足球總監之崗位,為一隊提供技術支援,同時培育傑志麾下一眾有潛質的青年球員,讓他們盡快能夠與職業足球接軌。 從球會的發展計劃所見,朱志光教練未來將會重返總教練一職。

此外,傑志同時公布施利斯高域(Blaž Slišković)出任球會總教練一職。施利斯高域現齡六十歲,他曾經是一名非常出色的球員,於1985年榮獲南斯拉夫最佳球員。此外,施丹於2011年更公開表示施利斯高域是其偶像之一,並認為他是馬賽歷史上最佳十一人的其中一員。施利斯高域於2002至2006年期間執教波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那國家隊,並於2004年度獲選為最佳教練以及年度人物。2008至2009年,施利斯高域曾執教阿爾巴尼亞聯賽球隊Tirana FC,並帶領球隊奪取聯賽冠軍;2016至2019年,他曾擔任波斯尼亞球隊Zrinjski Mostar教練,更協助球隊贏得2016/17和 2017/18波斯尼亞聯賽冠軍,以及2018/19波斯尼亞聯賽亞軍。 傑志期望新任總教練施利斯高域除了專注發展一隊及其青年球員,更希望他能夠傳授更多足球知識和經驗給一眾青訓教練。


新球季的一個重要目標是要改善傑志球員的體能及對抗性,至少必須能與亞洲球會賽事的對手在體能上能爭一日之長短,例如朝鮮4.25 SC。故此,球會特別增聘了前越南國家隊、泰國超級聯賽球會沙拉武里體能教練裴鋕垣(Bae Ji-won),出任體能教練一職。

球員方面,傑志亦證實流傳已久的消息,正式公布簽入東方龍獅的洛迪古斯、佳聯元朗的基爾頓、冠忠南區的蘇沙,三子將聯同費蘭度、盧卡斯以及華度斯組成外援陣容,而其中一人將於七月二十四日對曼城的比賽後與守門員保羅外借到友會,以爭取更多上陣機會。伍健指出,雖然盧卡斯和洛迪古斯都因傷缺席不少港超賽事,但最後都能平分秋色,共享聯賽神射手美譽,相信球迷都會期待他們雙劍合璧的演出。傑志將於短期內簽入一位亞援。此外,傑志亦歡迎來自廣州恆大淘寶足球俱樂部外借的楊朝輝。 有關其他球員資料,請參閱附件。


2018/19賽季中,傑志在青年聯賽方面亦取得優異的成績,然而尚有改善的空間,而教練的質素仍然是最重要的一環。 由新賽季起,傑志已經委派了幾位優秀的現任和退役職業球員作為青年隊的主教練:
預備組 - 朱志光、盧比度、裴鋕垣
U18 - 朱志光、盧比度、裴鋕垣
U16 - 尹東憲
U15 - 金東進
U14 - 高文
U13 - 朱志光
U12 - 尹東憲
U11 - 唐建文

7月16日 - 釜山交通公社 - 客
7月18日 - 浦項制鐵 - 客
7月24日 - 曼城 - 主
8月13日 - Viettel F.C. - 客
8月15日 - 越南U23代表隊 - 客


2019 – 2020球季

號碼 球員姓名 位置 出生日期 備註
1 王振鵬 守門員 05-05-1984
3 丹尼 後衛 23-09-1981
4 李毅凱 後衛 15-10-1994
5 艾里奧 後衛 31-01-1986
7 費蘭度 前鋒 14-11-1986 (外援)
8 安永佳 前鋒 01-01-1997 (11/2019加盟)
9 盧卡斯 前鋒 06-05-1990 (外援)
10 基爾頓 中場 09-12-1986 (外援)
11 蘇沙 前鋒 07-09-1989 (外援)
16 林恩許 中場 19-07-1992
17 王子聰 守門員 16-06-1995
19 黃洋 中場 19-10-1983
21 唐建文 後衛 10-01-1985
22 賓紀文 中場 11-05-1996
23 郭劍橋 守門員 20-07-1986
24 鞠盈智 中場 27-07-1987
27 于楊 中場 10-01-2001 (U22)
28 鄭展龍 中場 07-01-1998 (U22)
31 羅梓駿 後衛 02-03-1997
32 華杜斯 中場 30-05-1985 (外援)
34 巴拉克 中場 10-06-1999 (U22)
35 史雲斯頓 中場 13-11-1999 (U22)
44 中村祐人 前鋒 23-01-1987
67 畢頓 前鋒 27-07-1999 U22
95 陳晉一 中場 05-09-2002 (U22)
99 洛迪古斯 前鋒 31-07-1990 (外援)
N/A 陳嘉豪 守門員 27-01-1996
N/A 保羅 守門員 27-03-1986 (外援)
N/A 何振廷 中場 18-12-1998 (U22)
N/A 楊朝輝 後衛 29-05-1998 (試腳球員,國援,U22)

Kitchee announced today in their preseason Press Conference that the Club will undergo a major revamp in the technical structure of the Club, including the First Team and the Youth Teams.

Mr. Ken K. Ng, President of Kitchee, emphasized that although Kitchee have won most of the local top trophies in the last 8 years, Kitchee must improve further the quality of its playing and at the same time, must contribute to the future success of football in Hong Kong by bringing more youth professionals into the First Team.

Mr. Ng pointed out that Mr. Alex Chu has completed his third year as the Head Coach of Kitchee’s First Team and has won 8 trophies out of the possible 12 pieces of silverware during those 3 years, a great job by anybody’s measurement. At this time, the Club has arranged a sabbatical period for Mr. Chu with special responsibilities to boost the level of our youth development program. He will return to his job as the Director of Football which he occupied 3 years ago where he will provide advice to the First Team and will work with our growing list of youth professionals to accelerate their development as professional football players. In the Club’s development plan, Alex will likely return as a Head Coach in the future.

Kitchee further announced the appointment of Mr. Blaz Sliskovic as Kitchee’s Head Coach. He brings with him a wealth of experience as a 60-year-young. Blaz was very well-known as a player, being Yugoslavia Player of the Year 1985. He was named by Zidane in All-time Best XI of Marseille. Blaz coached the National Team of Bosnia-Herzegovina for 5 years between 2002 and 2006 and was named Coach of the Year and Man of the Year in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2004. In 2008/2009 season, Blaz also won the Albanian League title coaching the team, Tirana FC. He was Manager of Zrinjski Mostar and won Bosnia League title 2016/17 and 2017/18, and 2nd place in 2018/19. Kitchee is expectant of Coach Blaz not only to develop the first team and its youth professionals, but also impart football knowledge and experience to our coaching staff.

In addition to Messrs. Sliskovic and Chu, the coaching contingent of the First Team will include our long-serving Roberto Losada as the Assistant Coach (Offensive) and Roberto Sambade as the Goalkeeper Coach. They are joined by Kim Dong-jin who will replace Cristiano Cordeiro as the Assistant Coach (Defensive), and Yoon Dong-hun as Trainer.
A major technical objective for the new season is to improve Kitchee’s fitness level to be competitive against strong Asian clubs such as North Korea’s 4.25 SC. A significant addition to the coaching team is the new Physical Fitness Coach Bae Ji-won, who was previously the Physical Coach for the Vietnamese National Team, and before that, Physical Coach of Saraburi FC of the Thai Premier League.

For First Team players, Kitchee confirmed the widely circulated speculation that Bleda Rodriguez from Eastern, Cleiton de Oliveira from Yuen Long and Souza Willingsson from Southern will join our own Fernando, Lucas and Vodocz as the squad of foreigners, one of whom together with goalkeeper Paolo Da Silva will be on loan after the upcoming exhibition match against Manchester City on 24 July. Mr. Ng pointed out that although Lucas and Rodriguez both missed a significant part of last season through injuries, they were joint Golden Boot winners. Their combined fire power in the new season will be eagerly anticipated. Kitchee is expected to confirm shortly a new Asian foreigner who is a central defender. Kitchee also welcome Yang Zhao-hui, a loan player from Guangzhou Evergrande Taobao FC, currently playing as a central defender in the Korean K3 League club. Please see the attached list of players for details.

Highlighted in the list of players, Kitchee introduced a list of U22 players born between 1998 and 2003, both contracted and yet-to-be contracted. Matthew Orr is the notable addition when he finishes his university education in the USA in November. One of the major reasons for Alex to take a sabbatical from the first team is to develop and to execute a detailed development plan for each of our youth professionals, together with head coach Sliskovic and our physical fitness coach Bae. Kitchee aims to develop all the youth professionals to be the key players in the future Hong Kong Premier League.

Kitchee achieved excellent results in the youth league in the 2018/19 season. However, as always, there are rooms to improve and the quality of coaches is the most important area to emphasize. In the new season, Kitchee has appointed an excellent squad of current and retired professional footballers as the head coaches of the youth team:

Reserve team - Alex Chu, Roberto Losada, Bae Ji-won
U18 - Alex Chu, Roberto Losada, Bae Ji-won
U16 - Yoon Dong-hun
U15 - Kim Dong-jin
U14 - Gao Wen
U13 - Alex Chu
U12 - Yoon Dong-hun
U11 - Tong Kin-man

The preseason planning for this summer has been extremely difficult as Kitchee finished the last match on 26 June. In preparation for the previously announced preseason match against Manchester City on 24 July, Kitchee has planned the following preseason matches with players taking staggering rest periods during the summer:

16 July - Busan Transportation Corporation - Away
18 July - Pohang Steelers - Away
24 July - Manchester City - Home
13 August - Viettel F.C. - Away
15 August - Vietnam U23 National Team - Away

Kitchee has started the preseason training on 2 July at the Jockey Club Kitchee Centre and expect that all players will return from their respective summer break on 8 July and the team will travel to Korea on 15 July.

No. Name Position D.O.B Remarks
1 WANG Zhenpeng Goalkeeper 05-05-1984
3 Daniel CANCELA Defender 23-09-1981
4 LI Ngai Hoi Defender 15-10-1994
5 Helio GONCALVES Defender 31-01-1986
7 Fernando PEDREIRA Forward 14-11-1986 Foreigner
8 Matthew ORR Forward 01-01-1997 From Nov 2019
9 Lucas DA SILVA Forward 06-05-1990 Foreigner
10 Cleiton de OLIVEIRA Midfielder 09-12-1986 Foreigner
11 Willingsson SOUZA Forward 07-09-1989 Foreigner
16 Jared LUM Midfielder 19-07-1992
17 WONG Tsz Chung Goalkeeper 16-06-1995
19 Huang, Yang Midfielder 19-10-1983
21 TONG Kin Man Defender 10-01-1985
22 Clement BENHADDOUCHE Midfielder 11-05-1996
23 GUO Jianqiao Goalkeeper 20-07-1986
24 JU YingZhi Midfielder 27-07-1987
27 YU Yang Bosley Midfielder 10-01-2001 U22
28 CHENG Chin Lung Midfielder 07-01-1998 U22
31 LAW Tsz Chun Defender 02-03-1997
32 Krisztian VADOCZ Midfielder 30-05-1985 Foreigner
34 Barak BRAUNSHTAIN Midfielder 10-06-1999 U22
35 Mark SWAINSTON Midfielder 13-11-1999 U22
44 Yuto NAKAMURA Forward 23-01-1987
67 Sebastian BUDDLE Forward 27-07-1999 U22
95 Shinichi CHAN Midfielder 05-09-2002 U22
99 Bleda RODRIGUEZ Forward 31-07-1990 Foreigner
N/A CHAN Ka Ho Goalkeeper 27-01-1996
N/A Paolo DA SILVA Goalkeeper 27-03-1986 Foreigner
N/A HO Chun Ting Midfielder 18-12-1998 U22
N/A YANG Zhaohui Defender 29-05-1998 Chinese Foreigner, U22
