
傑志(體育管理)有限公司剛於今午收到澳洲足球總會通知,由於數間球會未能派出入選球員訪港,所以未能履行合約要求,並向主辦單位退出雞年賀歲盃。鑒於時間緊逼,傑志(體育管理)有限公司將積極安排替補。本公司將儘快公布有關安排,敬請留意。 Kitchee (Sports Management) Limited has received a notification this afternoon from the Football Federation Australia (FFA) that the Australia U23 would have to withdraw from the Lunar New Year Cup 2017 as A-league clubs have advised the FFA that they will not release players for the Team. Kitchee is now working on club replacement and a further announcement will be made as soon as possible. Thank you for your kind attention.
