𝙅𝘾𝙆𝘾 𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙏𝙤𝙪𝙧 - TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School


Yuen Chun Him, Kam Chi Kin Jason, Matthew Slattery, and Jr. Technical Analyst Aaron Sek made the football team from TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School their day after their recent visit at JCKC.

Not only did the players share the pitch with the group to let them experience the routine of being a pro football player, but they also shared their tips for staying competitive in football, and one key takeaway is to indulge in regular dairy products for muscle and bone mass.

Dairy products, such as milk or yogurt, contains several key nutrients that are vital to maintaining bone density, which it helps adolescence to achieve peak bone mass for football such physical demanding sport. For those who want to grow as tall and strong as those players, now you know what to do.
