New Signing Rufino Sgovia Came to Kitchee’s Rescue

Based on its lofty achievements in the past, Kitchee has been going through a rather non-descriptive season. Falling behind the eight ball in the premier league title-chase and crashing out of both the Senior Shield and the Sapling Club have left the supporters not quite sure about the team’s fortunes. However, the midseason arrival of Spanish striker Rufino Segovia seems to have injected some much needed energy (and goals) into the squad and after defeating arch-rival South China in the league, life suddenly seems to be rosy once again in Kitchee land. The former Atletico Madrid player spoke about the chance opportunity that led him to Hong Kong and joining Kitchee. “I received a phone call from Mr. Abraham and he asked me if I would be interested in coming over and joining Kitchee. I did not know much about Hong Kong and was seriously considering offers from Germany and Austria to be honest with you. However, I started looking into some videos of the team, researched about Hong Kong and slowly got very excited about this opportunity,” Segovia explained. Single and unattached, Segovia has previously played in Spain, Hungary and Romania but still went ahead to shed light on how difficult it can be for a professional footballer to move to another continent. “Going to a new country to play football is never that easy. Asia is a new continent to me and I need to learn the culture, the lifestyle and everything else. Fortunately, Hong Kong is a city that treats foreigners very well and Kitchee is a very well-run club indeed. That certainly made my adaption to Asia so much easier,” the Spanish forward commented in appreciation. “Here in Kitchee, things are always very organized and players are well-looked after, with staff members taking care of everything from my daily needs to football equipment. Having played aboard in Hungary and Romania, I can tell you things are not always that way for foreign players.” Despite joining the club in mid-January, Segovia got off to an explosive start in his Kitchee career by netting three goals in his first two games. The Spanish striker admitted to great delight on how his Kitchee career has started. “It is incredible to start my Kitchee career with two wins and a few goals,” confessed the ruthless forward. “As strikers, we are all judged by our goal-production but at the same time, I really want to win a championship. That is very important to me. Okay, maybe I can make more money elsewhere in a different country but I really want to play for this team and this coach. Hopefully, we can win a championship here.” At the same time, the experienced striker knows fully well that he is joining a side that has performed below expectations this season and the anticipations that he faces while taking over fan-favourite Juan Belencoso’s spot in the squad. “I know Belencoso is a very good player and I know he is very important to the team. But sometimes, that is how professional football goes. I give myself a lot of pressure to score and to win. I am hungry for goals, victories and championships. As I came to Hong Kong alone, I need to really focus and make sure I deliver the goods for Kitchee on the pitch,” Segovia commented. On a lighter note, the club’s newest goal-machine also had an interesting episode with teammate Jorge Tarres, over who would be taking a penalty-kick during the League Cup fixture against Dreams Metro Gallery. “It was midway through the game and the coach told me that I would be coming off. I turned back and begged the coach for a few more minutes on the pitch and next thing I knew, the team was awarded a penalty. I then walked up to Jordi (Jorge Tarres) and told him that I would be coming off soon and if I could take the penalty and tried for another goal. At the end, he converted the shot and I could not have been more happy for him. He is a great player and we have no problem whatsoever between us. Maybe it is just my striker’s instinct. As forwards, we all want to score one, then two and next thing you know, we are out there hunting for the third goal,” the Spanish striker smiled away. While Segovia might be enjoying a great start to his Kitchee career, the Spaniard could not hide his grand ambitions in the AFC Cup circuit. “Kitchee has a decent reputation in Asia football and clubs in this region do know about us. I know we have done very well in the past and even reached the quarter-final and semi-final. I am certainly very eager to help the side to reach new heights in the AFC Cup. The key for us will be to stay united on the pitch and stay organized in the attack,” the ambitious Segovia stated in matter of fact fashion.
